Baptisms at MCCC
Mount Calvary Christian Church has officially begun Baptism courses again. Please note that Baptism will take place twice a year, once in the fall (October-November), and in the Spring (May-June).
Our Baptismal course consists of a Four-week Ignite course where Baptismal candidates go through an extensive review of the bible. After the fourth week, candidates are prepared to receive the sacrament of Baptism and are presented to the congregation. We practice full-body immersions for our Baptisms unless otherwise requested by the candidates.
Please note, that Baptisms are offered to members who are able to consent to being baptized, while Presentations are offered for children whose parents attend MCCC.
If you're considering getting baptized at MCCC, we invite you to begin attending our Sunday services and get involved in growing in your walk with Christ. Should MCCC be a good fit for you, then we welcome you to sign-up for one of our Baptism cohorts in the upcoming year.
For more information feel free to speak to our Board Leadership Team or email us directly at: mtcalvarycc956@gmail.com

Fall 2021 MCCC Baptism Cohort